Failed back surgery syndrome, also known as postlaminectomy syndrome, refers to patients that undergo back surgery and still experience chronic pain. It can result from any type of back surgery and refers to patients with increase pain, new pain, and even patients who have less pain than prior to surgery. It can be quite distressing for this subset of patients who live with persistent pain and at times significant disability even after back surgery. Fortunately there are management strategies which can be discussed with your pain physician which can bring significant control of your pain and improvement in your quality of life. 

Treatment for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Often times initially the surgeon is involved to ensure there is no sign of infection, surgical complications or new structural spine issues which may be causing the continued pain. An initial basic pain management plan may include physical therapy which can improve function, range of motion and pain. Different types and classes of medications are available and can be initiated to control symptoms. Interventional therapies such as epidural injections can be considered. In some patients spinal cord stimulation (neuromodulation) can be used to decrease the pain signal and produce a more pleasant sensation over the previously painful area. An advantage to this treatment option is it can be trialed prior to implantation to determine effectiveness.

Our highly trained pain treatment doctors in Orange County care about improving your pain caused by Failed Back Surgery Syndrome and improve your quality of life. For more information on how Pain Specialists of Orange County can help treat your Failed Back Syndrome, please contact us at 949-297-3838.